Thursday, September 2, 2010

Redo VooDoo Booth

I'm having a blow-out sale at my booth at the Antique Mall of the South located on Highway 51 in Ridgeland, MS. I've got some great things for your home, childs apartments or your game day condo! Go check it out .... just walk in and say " where's the Redo Voodoo booth"...that's the name of my booth!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mark's 50!

It's hard to believe that we are getting old so fast! Mark has hit the mile stone of the big 5-0!! I gave him 50 presents...about 8 a day for the week prior to his birthday, they were all black! haha... He loved coming home every day and finding his pile of black wrapped presents on the table! There was black beer, black pencils, black candy, black socks, black underwear, black golf tees, a black flashlight, a black pocket knife, black cookies, and on and on and on .... On his actual birthday he received his final three presents....a black I-Pad and a case and stand for it! His Mother made him a wonderful scrapbook with pictures of him from birth to the day we married! I think he had a great birthday! We were moving Ashton into her house in Starkville on his birthday, so his parents and my Mom and Tom and Austin and Ellen met us there and we had his party at a local restaurant with a black cake and black balloons of course!!

Ashton's House!

Ashton is back at Mississippi State, all moved into her house in the Cotton District and Loving it! She has a pink and brown scooter ( too cute ) that she rides to and from class on and her dog, Kudzu is living there with her! She and her roommate Lauren are cooking and having friends over all the time. Could life be any Better?! haha.... I miss her terribly, she's my BEST FRIEND, but I'm so happy for her!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Summer is Here and so are the Kids!! and their dogs! hahaha....
Ashton is working as a Nanny for a 4 month old and a two year old. She adores them! Austin is working as an intern for Attorney General. We are excited to have them home!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


May ended with a trip to Mountain Home for Seth's graduation! Mark and I had a very relaxing trip away from the dogs. We spent Thursday night in Memphis and drove to Mountain Home on Friday. Sister had a few people over for dinner before the ceremony, then off to the school we went! It was hot, but lots of fun! The next morning we drove to Branson, MO...the guys ( Mark, John, Seth and Ryan)played golf and the girls ( Me, Sister and Lauren) shopped! When we arrived in Branson I saw this HUGE KING KONG in the sky...Amazing! The next day we spent in Mountain out and least Mark and John did, it started raining so Sister and I never swam!

The Hydrangeas are blooming and they are BEAUTIFUL this year...It's hard for me to believe something this wonderful came out of my yard!
Ashton's birthday always falls close to the May Canton Flea Market, this year since she was home from school and it was ON her Birthday we decided to go. Austin even drove home early that morning so he could go with us!!! It was hot, but we had a great time! Later that day Renee came by with Landry and they gave her a beautiful pair of engraved earrings, on the front were Ashton's initials and on the back were Landrys and Cohens names!! How cute it that!? Landry and Cohen are the children she's babysitting for this summer...she ADORES them! After they left we had Birthday Cake, opened presents and dinner.

I know I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, I LOVE Mother's Day!
We spent the weekend in Port Gibson my favorite Place! We were blessed with beautiful weather and all of our kids being there...that includes Ellen! The fist night Austin and Ellen cooked and we ate on the upstairs was beautiful! Ashton cooked lunch the next day....wonderful! We cut grass, watched movies, laid around and relaxed!


I had Welcome Home Cupcakes ready for Ashton when she arrived home from College for the summer! I was so excited to have her home....I didn't realize how much STUFF came with her! haha. She spent the first several days at home ASLEEP!

Ellen told us a while back that she had NEVER had a Dipped Cone!!!! So, when we saw a Dairy Queen in Jasper we stopped and got her one!!!! She loved it!
For Austins Birthday and Easter we spent the weekend in Jasper with Mi Mi and Paw Paw! Imagine their surprise when we showed up with FOUR DOGS!!! Bless their hearts! We had a great relaxing weekend.

April started with a new addition to our family...Brown Sugar, we call her Sug! She was a birthday present for Austin, but we later found out she was really for Ellen! haha...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekend in Port Gibson

Mark and I enjoyed a relaxing weekend in Port Gibson this weekend. We watched a movie Friday night while eating bbq pork sandwiches. Saturday morning we left for a junkin road trip to Monroe, La. where we had a great time filling the truck with treasures and our tummies with yummy hotdogs and tater tots. Afterwards we visited a cookie store for dessert! On the way back to the Port we stopped at Walmart to get the fixings for dinner; hamburgers and sweet potato fries...Yum. While we ate we watched another movie while wrapped up in quilts on the couch. We didn't turn the heat on while we were there; there's nothing better than sleeping under and electric blanket,Ahhh.... It was a georgeous weekend... the daffodils were blooming in our yard and of course I picked them! On Monday I redid my booth completely. I'm hoping this will boost my sales!