Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mark's 50!

It's hard to believe that we are getting old so fast! Mark has hit the mile stone of the big 5-0!! I gave him 50 presents...about 8 a day for the week prior to his birthday, they were all black! haha... He loved coming home every day and finding his pile of black wrapped presents on the table! There was black beer, black pencils, black candy, black socks, black underwear, black golf tees, a black flashlight, a black pocket knife, black cookies, and on and on and on .... On his actual birthday he received his final three presents....a black I-Pad and a case and stand for it! His Mother made him a wonderful scrapbook with pictures of him from birth to the day we married! I think he had a great birthday! We were moving Ashton into her house in Starkville on his birthday, so his parents and my Mom and Tom and Austin and Ellen met us there and we had his party at a local restaurant with a black cake and black balloons of course!!

Ashton's House!

Ashton is back at Mississippi State, all moved into her house in the Cotton District and Loving it! She has a pink and brown scooter ( too cute ) that she rides to and from class on and her dog, Kudzu is living there with her! She and her roommate Lauren are cooking and having friends over all the time. Could life be any Better?! haha.... I miss her terribly, she's my BEST FRIEND, but I'm so happy for her!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Summer is Here and so are the Kids!! and their dogs! hahaha....
Ashton is working as a Nanny for a 4 month old and a two year old. She adores them! Austin is working as an intern for Attorney General. We are excited to have them home!