Monday, April 28, 2008

April 2008 - Austins Birthday

I arrived in Port Gibson on Friday morning to get ready for Austin's birthday weekend. Mr. May was hanging the chandelier in the front parlor that had been on the bed in the back bedroom for SIX MONTHS. He did not get it working, he was short a part, but at least it's off the bed and hung! YEAH....

For Austin's birthday Ashton and I made banners and put them all over the house, even over the front door outside.
While we were in New Orleans for Spring Break we got several things for the house! Mark bought me the blue bust for Easter...I named her Nola ( for New Orleans, LA) and I bought the hat for her at an estate sale. I LOVE her!
In preparation for everyone's arrival I cleaned house and changed sheets etc....while cleaning the downstairs bedroom and bath I hung cute new curtains in three bathroom windows and took down the yucky filthy blinds. I also spruced up the room with new pillows and lamp.
This picture shows the trophy lamp and pool balls we got in New Orleans for the "man room"...
Austins favorite Birthday present wasn't the wonderful bike that Mark and I got him.....His favorite present was given to him by Ellen and her parents....A blonde lab puppy, named Beau! Aren't they both adorable!

Mimi and Pawpaw arrived in time for lunch at the club and 9 holes of golf. We had a great time even the though it was a bit chilly. They gave Austin a shot gun....he's 21, I could not say No! Nana and Tom arrived Saturday night in time for cake, a round or two of pool and puppy holding before lights out!

The next morning we had an awesome breakfast casserole, fruit and rolls. Mimi had her turn holding Beau. After breakfast we all headed out for a walk...Lulu and Beau included! We walked to the cemetery and up Church Street. It was a beautiful day.
After our walk we headed home to start lunch ( I know, you're thinking will they ever leave?! ha-ha....just kidding) Mark and Austin put hotdogs on the grill while Ashton babysat Beau! We had a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Great Blog! Mark told me that you had one too. The house looks great...even better than I imagined. I know it is a labor of love but the end result will be so worth it. Landry is getting big! you need to stop by and see her sometime and check her out on my blog when you get a chance! r