After the expensive heating bill of January, I was the only one that made a trip to Port Gibson in February. I purchased an awesome set of wicker for the morning room and I made the trip ALONE to recover it. I arrived in Port Gibson mid morning on a Friday and set to work. I closed all the doors that open to the morning room and plugged in a little heater and my sewing machine and started pulling off the old upholstery. Before too long I realized I was going to have to redo the bottom fabric covering the springs, so I headed to Vicksburg to the Walmart for more supplies. When I got back to the house I picked the flowers that were blooming in the yard and put them in an old Mason jar on one of the new wicker tables. I worked for hours listening to my Ipod and having a great time! When it started to get dark I went into the kitchen and fixed my supper, which was great ( I took a picture of that too! ha-ha)...I also talked on the phone with Sister and while we were talking I heard the strangest noise from outside. It sounded like someone was under the window making a scary noise! I had all the lights on, so I turned them off so I could see outside and went from window to window trying to find out what was making the noise! I didn't see anything, so I thought Mark or the kids had decided to join me and were outside trying to scare me. I called all of them and they were definitely at home or where they should be, not in Port Gibson! I decided to call The Tinsleys, my next door neighbors, and let them know that I was going to be there alone for the night. When Bobbi answered the phone she was laughing, and said, " I was knew you would be calling!"......She had heard the noise also....and informed me that it was the neighborhood OWL!!! Well needless to say that was quite a relief. Soon after that I went to bed, I won't say that I had a great nights sleep but it wasn't too bad. The next day around noon Mark and the kids did show up. Mark and Austin tried out the new pellet gun ( to try and get the squirrels from nesting in the attic)... I know sounds mean, but they are REALLY a problem. Ashton read her book while trying out the wicker, and we had a great lunch at the Depot. I've inclued lots of pictures of the wicker, I'm so proud!
I forgot to mention the awesome farm table I found for the upstairs! This is for Sister and I to scrapbook on when she comes to visit! She's coming the first of April. This will be her first trip to Port Gibson and she says she's not spending the night unless she sleeps in the same bed with me and Lulu! ha-ha....
I apologize for my lack of blog knowledge!!! The pictures are not in the order that I wanted them and I don't know how to change them! sorry........