It's a the beginning of the New Year! YEAH... we are almost up to date!
The kids are out of school for Christmas break and we get busy painting the billiards room. This was a fun weekend, even though the kitchen is STILL not put back together and we have to eat out! It's amazing how much you can get done with lots of help.
After the kids are settled back in school Mark and I spend several weekends in Port Gibson and just about finish up the kitchen....painting the walls and cabinets, putting on new hardware, hanging curtains and a piece of stained glass in the window and getting the refrigerator and stove back in! We also found an awesome enamel top table that fit perfectly next to the stove for more counter space. I skirted it with black and white toile fabric and added some accessories and the kitchen is looking FABULOUS!
The kids come and we spend another weekend in the house and we are able to COOK in the kitchen and enjoy the billiards room. Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. May also got the new light fixture over the pool table wired and hung!
In case you are wondering, Was it cold in that big house?, YES! We bought a truck load of fire wood and tried to use our outdoor woodburning system, but it never got warm. We burned a half a cord of wood and Mark burned his new shirt Austin gave him for Christmas! haha.... So, we went back to the central heat. Our gas bill went from $10.00 a month to a whopping $300.00, for TWO weekends! I'm sure we heated the entire town with all the gaps and holes and lack of insulation.
I also included a picture of Mr. Tinsley, our sweet neighbor who always comes over and checks on us!