Our plans were to go to Port Gibson this weekend and do some Junkin in Monroe Louisiana on Saturday. Ashton had originally planned on going with us, but we decided that would be a lot of driving for her and we would rather spend the weekend with her, plus she just wasn't that in to it. So we stayed home. Ashton and I decided to have a crafting weekend and went to Hancock Fabrics...they were having a warehouse sale! Ashton ended up buying herself a sewing machine!! She bought a pattern and some fabric and a really cute sewing book. That night she cut out the pattern and laid it out on her fabric, cut it out and started sewing. It was all a little more difficult than she had imagined ( me too )....woke up this morning and was a little overwhelmed with it all. So I suggested she put that aside and move on to a simplier project that she could finish today and take back to school with her. She decided to do a pillow with some applique work on it. I sat and made yo-yo's while she sewed. I had a great weekend spending time with her and she went back to school with her finished pillow!