Mark, Ashton, Lulu, Kudzu and I spent a few days in Port Gibson recently. We went expecting it to be really cold and it turned out to be a beautiful, perfect temperature weekend. We watched all of the Indiana Jones Movies, made a trip to the Dollar General, went to Georgia's at the Depot and heard Lonesome Mel sing and enjoyed dinner,I finished a lamp I've been restoring forever, and I got the Christmas Tree up! Ashton and I tackled a project we've been wanting to get done; we stripped the Original wallpaper off the walls in her bedroom!!! Quite a Dirty Job! What an awesome surprise I found .... I was working on the area above the fireplace and found that it wasn't solid mortar, but was wood in one area....I found some hinges and a keyhole and discovered a hidden DOOR!! I was so excited I about fainted! I pried it open, scared of what might jump out at me, and found a small area with shelves inside....NO TREASURE! Darn! It was still very exciting! We didn't get started until Sunday and were so tired that we decided to spend the night and wake up really early Monday and head home so that Mark would get to work on time.